Happy Wednesday! Complete updates are available at mascenic.org. • Oct 2 Chicken BBQ ticket info • Apologies for login issues to the 9/20 Board meeting • Proper masking requirements
over 3 years ago, Chris Martin
wednesday update
COVID-19 Data: 9/22/21 Positive: 7 Suspected Positive: 4 Pending Results: 4
over 3 years ago, Melissa Gray
COVID-19 Data: 9/21/21 Positive: 10 Suspected Positive: 4 Pending Results: 8
over 3 years ago, Melissa Gray
COVID-19 Data: 9/20/21 Positive: 16 Suspected Positive: 4 Pending Results: 9
over 3 years ago, Melissa Gray
COVID-19 Data: 9/17/21 Positive: 19 Suspected Positive: 2 Pending Results: 9
over 3 years ago, Melissa Gray
update computer and phone
I've been asked to recreate my Wednesday phone message in the live feed for those who are not receiving my calls. For complete messaging go to mascenic.org Highlights include: • Open Houses are cancelled • Oct 2 Chicken BBQ and Homecoming • 9/27 Picture Day at BMS and HHES • Back to School Anxiety workshop sign up - BMS
over 3 years ago, Chris Martin
phone message meme
For All Schools - Beginning September 14 we will be following our Board approved handbook as it relates to excusing absences. Please see the text below. Written verification documentation must be presented within two (2) school days of returning to school after an absence in order for the absence to be recorded as “excused” and a 2-day work extension will be allowed for all schoolwork missed. The following are absences allowed for an Excused Absence and the required documentation: • Illness—parent/guardian(s) note up to 4 days, after 4 consecutive days, a doctor’s note is required • Recovery from an accident—parent/guardian(s) note up to 4 days, after 4 consecutive days, a doctor’s note is required • Required court attendance—official documentation required • Medical, counseling/therapy, and dental appointments—parent/guardian(s) or doctor/counselor’s note • Death in the immediate family—parent/guardian(s) note • Observation or celebration of a bona fide religious holiday—parent/guardian(s) note • College visit, 3 per a semester—College Visit form required • Visit to the Department of Motor Vehicles for a test or license, parent/guardian(s) note or receipt of appointment • Such other good cause as may be acceptable to the Principal or permitted by law (Such information will be kept confidential)—Email or letter to principal, with at least 1 school day notice when known • Visits to the School Nurse, School Counselor, and Main Office—note/pass from the office visited • Field trips and required attendance at athletic events, and other school-sponsored events that have dates/times ahead of absences are considered excused absences from those classes missed. Extensions on missed work do not apply to these types of absences unless prior teacher approval. NOTE: “Excused absences shall not be permitted if they cause a serious effect upon the student’s educational progress (RSA 193.1).” The Principal may also require additional documentation to support the written notice.
over 3 years ago, Chris Martin
Important Update 2
There has been conversation among Mascenic families regarding the district providing an alternative learning plan for students who will not mask. After consulting with our attorney, we are under no legal obligation to do that. However, if a student has a disability that could preclude them from the masking requirement, we would meet as a team, after a referral is made, to consider whether the disability falls under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. If the student is found to qualify for a 504 plan, the team would then create an individual plan and then consider if not masking is a reasonable accommodation. More information about Section 504 can be found at this link https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/504faq.html. 504 Referral document can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bBuT57VlHa9w8KvH7oMDF4xAT7Pn7WgM/view?usp=sharing
over 3 years ago, Chris Martin
Important Update
Due to substantial transmission of COVID-19 in our schools, all students, staff, and visitors will be required to wear masks beginning tomorrow, September 9, 2021. At the end of the day on Friday, we will revisit our data and inform families if masks will continue to be required next week. Remember, this does not mean that masks are on indefinitely. We are masking right now to keep everyone in school.
over 3 years ago, Chris Martin
Good Morning Mascenic Families. Our MealTime online lunch application is now working. While school meals are free for all students this school year, we encourage families to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch application as it directly impacts school funding. You can find the MealTime digital application at this link: https://www.mascenic.org/page/food-service-program Please complete either the paper application or the online application.
over 3 years ago, Melissa Gray
With the return to full in person learning and the expiration of federal and state waivers, we are no longer able to offer lunch delivery.
over 3 years ago, Melissa Gray
Unfortunately the food services website was having difficulty today. To help you make informed choices here is the breakfast and lunch menu for 8/31/21: Breakfast: Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Sandwich or Pillsbury Cinni Mini or Cereal Lunch: Macaroni n Cheese with Roasted Broccoli or Fresh Salad of the Day or Sunbutter and Jelly or Kids Lunch Box We look forward to seeing all of our students tomorrow. Have a good evening.
over 3 years ago, Melissa Gray
Please click the link to locate Mascenic Regional School Mitigation Matrix. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oPcGq-Ct9q3R_tAyD_RdvYlXLnlUUSmScJiKQBCTl3M/edit?usp=sharing
over 3 years ago, Melissa Gray
Please submit your school meals application today!
over 3 years ago, Katie Desrochers
More than a meal application
New Teacher Orientation Mascenic Style!!!! Great group of new professionals to care and nurture our students. Very proud!
over 3 years ago, Chris Martin
House building by school.
Good Morning Mascenic Families! Lunch delivery is cancelled the week of 8/23-8/27 while our delivery vehicle is out for service.
over 3 years ago, Melissa Gray
School  Lunch
Good Morning Mascenic Families! HHES is looking for part time tutors for the Fall. Please check out the posting on our website or School Spring. You can also call Mrs. Saari at (603) 878-4387 for more details.
over 3 years ago, Melissa Gray
Just a reminder.....please take a few moments and complete the 603 Bright Futures Survey for the Department of Education. Families in K-12, Preschool, and Private Schools: bit.ly/nhdoefamily · Staff in Public and Private Schools: bit.ly/nhdoestaff · Community Members: bit.ly/nhdoecommunity
over 3 years ago, Chris Martin
Our June 14 School Board meeting will be in person at the SAU office in Greenville. The meeting will begin with a public hearing on federal dollars related to COVID-19. See you either live and in person or virtually through our live stream, beginning at 6PM.
over 3 years ago, Chris Martin
Congratulations to Landen Vaillancourt and Drew Traffie for their participation in the Meet of Champions on Saturday. Landen closed out his Mascenic career with a ninth place finish in the 800 meters, and Drew finished 11th in the 3200 meters.
over 3 years ago, Melissa Gray