Boynton Blast 2/8/23

Spring Sports

Spring sports of Baseball, Softball, and Track & Field will all start tryouts Tuesday, 3/28. WE ARE CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR A BOYS' BASEBALL COACH. All Spring Sports tryouts locations are weather dependent; we assume they will start as follows: Baseball tryouts Tuesday, 3/28 - Friday, 3/31 from 4:15-6:00 pm in the Boynton Gymnasium. Softball tryouts are Tuesday, 3/28 - Friday, 3/31 from 2:30-4:15 pm in the Boynton Gymnasium. Track & Field tryouts are Tuesday, 3/28 - Friday, 3/31, HELD AT MASCENIC HIGH SCHOOL from 2:40- 4:00 pm. As student-athletes make their prospective teams, information on practice times will be forthcoming.

Family ID for the spring sports will be available for registrations starting Monday 2/13. Below is the link that should bring parents to the signup page.

If you have questions, please email our co-athletic directors, Jim Perigny and Karyn Veeser, at

Mascenic Regional School District Snow Day Learning 

In the event of a school closure, a  “Snow Day Learning” can be called. These days are intended to act as school days and provide learning opportunities for students. School closures are rare and related to conditions outside of our control. “Snow Learning Days” count as school days that do not need to be made up at the end of the school year. 

Staff and students will be made aware of a “Snow Learning Day” through the alert system used to close schools. Learning activities will be shared this week with students to keep in a safe place in the event that a “Snow Learning Day” is called. 

Teachers have created learning activities that will range between 15-30 minutes and will not require access to technology in the event that families have lost power. The activities are related to student’s courses but not necessarily the content they were covering, meaning, they are “stand alone” lessons. Overall students should be spending between 3-4 hours doing their assigned work; students should only be doing the work from the classes that they had scheduled for that particular day. Assignments will be graded by teachers on the return to school.

In the event that a “Snow Learning Day” is called and your student cannot find any of the work that was assigned then they will be able to collect it at school the next day. Individual teachers may hold voluntary google meets; students will not be marked absent or be penalized for not attending. Students may email teachers as they will be available (power pending) throughout the day. 

If you or your student have questions about assignments from individual teachers, please email them directly.


Have you ordered your yearbook yet? Well, sales have already started! Buy now for only $24.00 before the price increases in February. 

Please click on the link below to order!

 Boynton Yearbook

Winter Break
Winter break is from February 27- March 3, 2023
