Email Blast 5.17.21

Good afternoon BMS Families,

I wanted to provide a gentle reminder about NWEA testing tomorrow (May 18) and Wednesday (May 19), a Tick Alert from our school nurse, information on the vaccination clinic, and a survey for our 8th grade families regarding Farewell, :


NWEA is our local assessment that we have chosen to help provide us with immediate data related to individual students. This data helps us to plan intervention blocks (Boynton Block) and adjust curriculum pacing/focus for whole classes. In a  year that has been wrought with uncertainty, this information will be extremely helpful in planning for next year. 

Tracy has been in touch with families who opted out during NH SAS to see if they are also opting out of NWEA. Please contact the main office if you have questions or are choosing to opt your student out of testing. 

The testing window is from 8:00-9:30. Remote students who are participating should come to our main office, we will call families if they finish early or need more time. For remote students who are not testing, there is an activity with a remote teacher scheduled. The daily schedule for all students has been adjusted due to the testing window. Teachers will be communicating these changes to students!

Students who are in -school and are not testing will be reading quietly. Please remind them to bring a book!

The internet safety presentation we had scheduled has been canceled but we are looking to run an evening presentation and are looking for additional groups to provide an in-school presentation for students! I have resources that I will be sharing soon with parents!!!

Tick Alert (From our Nurse’s Office)

Over the last couple of weeks we have had an increasing amount of students coming to my office after finding ticks either crawling on their person/ clothing or attached to their skin. As most of you know, it is tick season! There is not much we can do about this problem except TRY our best to prevent attachment to the skin and check ourselves and our children/ students frequently.

Many of our students are taking trips up to the field for PE, fresh air breaks and/or classroom activities.

All staff (including myself) are on high alert in regards to tick checks after being outside and educating students in how to dispose of them appropriately. If you find a tick on your child: remove from the source paying close attention to the claw, dispose in the toilet, and monitor the site for rash, redness, swelling, etc. Call a doctor if a rash develops. 

We will call any parent of a child with a tick attached to their person. Please call the nurse's office with any concerns!

Vaccination Clinic

We have had many questions regarding the survey that went out last week about the vaccination clinic in MRSD. We are still waiting on the state to provide more information but here are the basics;

  • First clinic (first shot) Friday, May 21st, second clinic (second shot) June 11th

  • We have requested that the clinic be run in the morning

  • Students over the age of 12 and are enrolled in MRSD are eligible

  • Last week’s survey was to determine the level of interest to provide the state with the number of vaccines we would need

  • A survey will be going out this week to formally sign your student up. Paperwork will need to be completed as well

As soon as we know more, we will let you know!!!

8th Grade Farewell (8th Grade Only)

8th Grade Families ONLY- please fill out the form indicating whether or not your student will be participating in our evening Farewell Ceremony and how many tickets you will need for Parents/Guardians ONLY.

