Washington DC

Mrs. Salmonson met with parents of students interested in the Washington, DC trip last night 10/12 at MRHS. The trip is slated for June 12-June 16 with a cost of $859 per student.  Capital Tours was also there to answer questions, review the itinerary, insurance information, and payment schedule. Here is the most important information:

  • If you are interested in your student participating, please send in a deposit of $100 to MRHS c/o Ellen Salmonson by November 1, 2022. Checks can be dropped off in the main office by parents or brought in by students. Please make checks payable to "Capital Tours".

We will be in touch with parents by November 7th with information on whether the trip is a "go" and if there is a payment adjustment; if we have more than 40 students the price could decrease, if we have less than 40 students the price could increase.

Please email any other questions to Mrs. Salmonson, (esalmonson@mascenic.org).