Mascenic Regional High School is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. To receive accreditation, the school participates in an immersive, self-reflective process that engages the school community to provide feedback and ultimately create a plan for improvement and growth. 

A vital part of the reflection process includes surveying staff, students, and parents. We already started on our staff surveys and are sending out the link for parent surveys today; it should take about 30 minutes. We appreciate the time that you put into this as we know your time is valuable, but so is your feedback! We will have a bank of computers set up in the library tomorrow during Parent Teacher Conferences for any parent that would like to take the survey at MRHS. Here is the link for those who would like to take the parent survey at home! Please note:

  • Once someone begins the survey, they must complete the entire survey in one session. If they leave the survey, they will lose all their progress and be required to start from the beginning.

We plan on surveying students during an extended Viking Block next Wednesday.  

Here is a copy of the survey questions if you would like to preview them before you or your student participates.